Sleek Hair & Waves!
If you have curly hair, then you need to learn how to take care of your curly hair, otherwise, you will never be satisfied with the way your hair looks! Curly hair is not as problematic to maintain as you would think it is, and all you need are the right products. If no one has thought you how to take of curly hair, then we are here to help you out. You can either choose to wear straight hair, or you can learn how to do a variety of waves, and then, when you lose the waves, you will have this new haircut that will last for more than two weeks!
If you want to wear wolfing waves, then you need to have one product, which is the holy grail of all products and that is a pomade! Not only that you will need a pomade, but you will also have to have wave grease, some castor oil, a special comb for coming and sectioning the hair, and most importantly, a lot of patience. You can create these waves on you, but still, it would be perfect if you could have some friends to assist you. Wet your entire hair, and then section it. Once you have your sections, start with the bottom part of the hair, and add a bit of wave grease, stare braiding the weaves, and once you are done with the first weave, add a bit of the pomade.
Wolfing waves look amazing on anyone who decides to wear it, and if you want them to look even better, you will use recommended products. When you have the finished look, wrap your hair into a silk scarf and let it sit like that for as long as possible.